Cairo: Anonymous (and free) wifi hotspots

This is a map with locations of wifi hotspots in Cairo that do not require an email address or mobile phone number.

Green placemarks designate free hotspots that do not require an email address or mobile phone number.
Blue placemarks designate pay-as-you-go hotspots that do not require an email address or mobile phone number.

This map is a collaborative project. Anyone can edit it. To add or edit placemarks, you need a Google account. Then, on the map's home page, click on "Save to My Maps". Select the map and click on edit. The rest is self-explanatory. The maps is updated every few minutes to reflect the latest edits.

(Note: In Google Maps, street map data of Cairo is misaligned with the satellite imagery. The satellite imagery is accurate, so please use it when positioning placemarks.)

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