Seero: 50 beta invites up for grabs

Seero‘s David Rothschild writes

Thanks for giving the site a look. We would be glad to extend 50 invites to Ogle Earth readers. On the sign-up form, just have your users enter ‘Ogle Earth’ under the ‘What is the meaning of life’ field. When we review the sign-ups we will be sure to let the first 50 with that in the field through to the site.

Remember, Seero lets you use the webcam on your laptop to broadcast live to the web. Add a GPS unit, and you can show your location live on the web as you broadcast. You can also upload and publish pre-made videos, and you can also manually georeference videos. So have a play. Perviously David wrote that

Our goal is to shake the foundations of how you see video with a platform that promotes exploration and geographical awareness. All of our content is scripted into KML and integrates with Google Earth to allow for users to navigate live and on-demand broadcasters.

I haven’t yet found the KML link for my account, but that can’t be long in coming if KML is in the foundations of their content management system.

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