Short news: DIY hand gesture UI for Google Earth!

  • What a way to start the week — with Atlas Gloves, a DIY hand gesture user interface for Google Earth. It works exactly like the really fancy futuristic ones we’ve been seeing, except here you just need a webcam and two small lightpens in your hands to spin and zoom and scroll. There is demo video, which you’ll have to settle for in anticipation of the download and DIY instructions. It’s by Dan Phiffer and Mushon Zer-Aviv, for the Tisch School of the Arts’ ITP Spring Show, held a few days ago.
  • More art in Google Earth — Os Candangos (Google images) by pivnice on ZNO.
  • Wolfgang Berberich, author of TrailRunner 1.0, a free route planning application for the Mac that exports to the iPod but also KML, is looking for volunteers to localize it. Any takers? (Wolfgang’s email is at the bottom of the page)
  • A Belgian typographer is making a typeface out of buildings found in Google Earth… (Pics promised soon.)

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